- This private poker club is for players of all levels looking to have fun and advance their No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament skills.
- Members are expected to behave maturely at all times (follow game rules, no excessive drinking and/or fighting).
- If you are interested in becoming a club member, please visit our Contact page and send us a note.
- This club plays for Cash payouts (79% of Event fees) and LeaderBoard Points (LBP) in a Season format.
- Remaining Event fees seed both a Winners Pool and a Club Trophy Pool (20% and 1% respectively).
- At the end of the Season, the top 8 players on the LeaderBoard qualify for thePokerClub Championship and a chance to win Winners Pool monies.
- Refer to the Winners Pool Payout Structure located on the current LeaderBoard page for payout details based on the number of Season participants.
- Members must physically play in at least 2 Events for their LBPs to factor into the End-of-Season LeaderBoards.
- A new Club Champion Trophy will be made each year; winners keep their trophies.
- Event participants will receive 2 LBP for each Tournament played (Participation Points).
- There is a .5 LBP Bounty on all players during each Tournament.
- Each Tournament played will also award LBPs according to the Tournament Award Structure below.
- All Tournaments must play down to a 1st place finish – no deal making.
Missed Events
- Members can collect Participation Points for missed Events by paying past Entry Fees at the next Event they attend in person only.
- There are no missed participation points available for the last Event of the Season.
Events and Game Structure/Rules
- Events are held monthly with 1 Tournament played per Event (the Season ends with the first player to reach 100 LeaderBoard Points).
- The Club Manager will use an online survey for voting on Event timing (always a Friday) no later than 30 days before the start of the Event month.
- Club members are blinded to the responses of others and the survey will close after 1 week of voting.
- Tournament buy-ins are as follows: $50 Entry Fee, $50 Rebuys, $25 add-on.
- Event Entry Fees must be paid to the Club Manager by Venmo. This acts as the Club Treasury and is made fully transparent to the group.
- The Club Manager will close registration no later than 2 days before the Event.
- Late Attendance for the Event is allowed through Round 6 of each Tournament.
- Events must have a minimum of 10 registrants otherwise the Event is canceled and will take place the subsequent month.
- All members are welcome to host an event – this helps to ensure timing of events does not benefit any one member.
- Members must follow Tournament rules General Tournament Rules and basic poker etiquette General Poker Etiquette.
- Tournament seating will be randomized and all Members are expected to share in dealing responsibilities.
- If a Member needs to leave during a Tournament they will be blinded-down until they return.
- If a Member leaves and does not return to the Tournament, their chip stack will be removed when players are ‘in the money’.
- If a player calls ‘time’ on another player’s decision to act, the acting player will be given 60 seconds to act.